Nice Guy Machine Co
Side Piece - FAFO Edition
FAFO was the original “project name” of The Side Piece. In a rare occurrence of better thinking, I decided to find a different name for it to cast a wider net into the sea of humanity.
So this is “The Side Piece” in its original form. In case your friends and family wonder why your most carried and used piece of edc gear is a “pry bar,” I’ve machine engraved the instructions discreetly underneath the pocket clip.
The Side Piece is an every day carry prybar. Essentially it is a culmination of everything I’ve been learning about CAD/CAM and machining combined with my experience of pressing an EDC prybar into the number one slot of my every day essential items over the years.
Considering design, use, fit/finish & materials - I believe it is the overall finest EDC item available today.
All parts are machined by me from 6al4v titanium in my shop in Colorado Springs, CO. The custom (designed by me) fasteners are machined from 6al4v titanium by Tactile Turn @tactileturn in Dallas, TX.
Body Material - 6al4v Titanium
Clip Material - 6al4v Titanium
Weight - 1.5 oz
Length - 4.825”
Width - .725” pry tip tapering to .55” at clip end
Thickness - .25”
Screw - 6al4v Titanium, T8 torx, 6-32 thread
Made and designed by one guy in his garage in Colorado to exacting specifications.
Escape/Evade non lethal edc
Wide pry tip
Fantastic scraper
Side bevel great for box opening
Cap lifter doubles as 1/4” wrench
“Concentric circle” deeply machined for extra grip
The point where the bevels intersect serves as a surprisingly good Phillips driver
Pill shaped clip interface allows the clip to be custom tensioned by removing it and mounting upside down to bend & adjust tension for your favorite pockets. I machine them to have a .010 gap because that seems to be the sweet spot for my various pants pocket thickness.
When I make and release batches, these are $230